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CCD Gujarat – Seminar:-Summary

Summary Report_Tribal Governance Seminar

By |December 12th, 2023|Seminar:-Summary|0 Comments

National Seminar
Tradition and Modernity: Complementary or Takeover of Governance in Tribal Areas, Issues of Socio-Economic and Political Structures and Processes in India
(December 01-02, 2023)
By Kanchan Bharati

Political organizations are important components of the political life of a society in a democratic country. Distribution and composition of Indian population show that India is home to the largest numbers of tribes in the world. Tribal communities are known to have their own traditional social and political governing structures. They are mostly governed by self-rule through the collective way of customary methods and traditional systems of social control. The implementation of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) as a constitutional form of governance in the country in late 1990s brings out the fact that in tribal areas one can now see dual forms of governing structure; one – an   informal traditional system of ‘Tribal Panch/Councils (TP)’ and the second a formal system of ‘Statuary Panchayats (GP)’. It is also important to note that despite constituting a distinct social category and special constitutional and legal provisions, Tribals are not outside the economic and political framework of India and Indian politics. As a part of the nation-building process, tribal areas have witnessed large-scale development in terms of industry, mining, infrastructure projects such as roads and railways, and hydraulic projects such as dams and irrigation. These have been followed by processes of urbanization as well. The overall impact of these has been that the Tribals, indigenous communities have entered a new phase of struggle and protests against these ‘development and urbanization’ processes. The variables across India have experienced substantial loss of livelihood, massive often coercive displacement, involuntary and distressed migration. The government of India on one hand has initiated several affirmative policies, schemes, enacted laws for the welfare, development and protection of tribal populations; and on the other hand promoted urbanisation and development projects detrimental to participatory and inclusive development of tribals. The end result is that tribals are lagging behind human development, sustainable and inclusive development compared to the other social groups in India.

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Valmiki Seminar_Summary Report

By |January 16th, 2023|Seminar:-Summary|0 Comments

National Seminar

“Outcastes among the Outcastes: The Valmiki Community in India”

(December 16-17, 2022)


 India is a caste-based society. Even today, the varna-caste as a social system determines the nature and characteristics of socio-economic and political life of many Indians. The outcastes or the Dalits are the most discriminated against and excluded social groups. However, the Valmiki among these Dalit communities are the worst exploited, excluded among the outcastes facing the worst kind of discrimination especially due to their occupational practice. Untouchability is practiced against them by most castes and even by the other Dalit groups. Even today, the Valmiki’s are isolated, compelled not to use public spaces, public utilities, and services; discriminated against, and deprived of equal access to social and economic opportunities. In this context, the Centre for Culture and Development (Vadodara) organized a two-day National Seminar on ‘‘Outcastes among the Outcastes: The Valmiki Community in India’ to address the status and situation of the Valmiki community in India.

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A Summary Report-National Seminar on Social Structure of Tribal India

By |December 13th, 2019|Seminar:-Summary|0 Comments

A Summary  Report

National Seminar on

Social Structure of Tribal India: Concepts, Debates and Empirical Realities

(November 22-23, 2019)

 By Kanchan Bharati and Dhananjay Kumar

Anthropologists and sociologists have for long focused their studies on the tribal communities of India on their culture (sanskriti) comprised of ecology, agriculture, arts, crafts, dance, language, folklore religion, festivals, witchcraft and so on. However, studies of social structure (samaj) of the tribes have been relatively sidelined. Hence we have lesser knowledge of their groups, classes and categories, such as family and marriage, lineage and clan, the network of kinship and affinity and their political structure. During the 1960s some anthropologists/sociologists have initiated studies on the social structure of the tribals of eastern and central India. But not many studies have been done in the western part of the country.

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Summary:-National Seminar on “Suicide and Self-harm: Issues and Challenges”

By |December 20th, 2018|Seminar:-Summary|0 Comments

Brief Summary
By Kanchan Bharati & Dhananjay Kumar
Global and national scenario of suicide locate it as an important public health problem that needs attention and prevention. The problem is however difficult as the reasons for suicide are multidimensional. Moreover, the phenomenon is not confined to a particular region or community or to any given period, but its appearance varies from region to region and from time to time. Hence, there is a need to understand patterns and underlying courses that make people to end their life and to provide solutions such tendencies. With this in view, the Centre for Culture and Development (Vadodara) organized a two day National Seminar on “Suicide and Self-harm: Issues and Challenges”.

Summary:- National Seminar on Procedural and Substantive Democracy in India

By |November 13th, 2018|Seminar:-Summary|0 Comments

Procedural and Substantive Democracy in India (September 07, 2018)

By Dr. Dhananjay Kumar


Political scientists differentiate many types of democracies: representative, deliberative, participative, procedural, and substantive. This seminar took up the procedural and substantive types for deliberation: one related to the institutional, minimal, electoral democracy, and second, to the substantive or effective democracy. The former is viewed in terms of institutions of democracy, political parties and other associations or organizations, periodic elections, universal adult franchise, leadership, etc. It is rarely concerned with what happens beyond elections in the social space. Alternatively, substantive democracy is viewed in the light of its diffusions in various sectors of society, redistributive justice, human capabilities and entitlements (education, health, infrastructure, etc), social capital, associated factors of trust, values, and norms, civil society, human rights, and governance. However, in the Indian context, both types of democracy are complementary and interdependent. The successful functioning of the procedural dimension of democracy requires substantive democracy also.

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Summary:-National Seminar on Ecology, Environment and Religions

By |November 12th, 2018|Seminar:-Summary|0 Comments

By Dr. Kanchan Bharati

The relationship between man and nature is one of the most fundamental and most debated issues in the present day. Human beings are part of ecosystems, as well as its manipulators. We are dependent on, as well as responsible for the ecological health of the ecosystems we inhabit. The integrity and functionality of vital natural assets like forests, lakes, rivers, land etc., are increasingly being compromised in current times. Change in environment and ecology is more of a moral challenge. It calls us to examine how we use and share the goods of the earth, what we pass on to future generations, and how we live in harmony with interfaith traditions. With this vision, the Centre for Culture and Development (Vadodara) organized a two-day National Seminar on ‘Ecology, Environment and Religions: Key Issues and Challenges’.

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Summary:-National Seminar on Moving Towards an Equitable Health System in India: Key Issues and Challenges

By |February 10th, 2018|Seminar:-Summary|0 Comments

Health is a very complex phenomenon influenced directly or indirectly by several, known and unknown, factors.Understanding these factors is essential for equitable health services planning and effective treatment delivery. With these issues in mind, the Centre for Culture and Development (CCD), Vadodara, organised a two-day National Seminar on Moving towards an Equitable Health System in India-Key Issues and Challenges.