What we do!
CCD is an institution established in 2001 with the main aim of doing research in social sciences on issues of social, cultural and political significance, with particular reference to Gujarat. It is an academic centre meant to harness the knowledge of social sciences to the service of Gujarat society, particularly its disadvantaged sections, and more specifically, minorities, tribals, dalits, and women. The Centre’s field of activities includes research, evaluation, training, conferences and relevant interventions.
So far, CCD has carried out nine major and eight minor research projects, including need and impact assessments. Many of these projects have generated ideas for seminars or workshops that followed them. Twenty-five important seminars have been held, most of them financially supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi and Mumbai. Outputs of many of these have been published by national and international publishers. CCD has published 23 books in English and three in Gujarati based on its own research projects and seminars. Some more are under preparation.
Latest News
A Summary Report-National Seminar on Social Structure of Tribal IndiaDecember 13th, 2019
CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Edited Book Volume On ‘OUTCASTES OF INDIA’January 20th, 2024
Summary Report_Tribal Governance SeminarDecember 12th, 2023
Concept Note – Tribal Governance Seminar – December_2023 at CCDJune 17th, 2023
We Need Your Support!
Centre for Culture and Development has a permanent income tax exemption under (i) Section 80 G, and (ii) 12 A of the Income Tax Act. All donations to the CCD are tax-free. The centre is also registered under FCRA and is eligible to accept foreign donations. All its accounts are audited and submitted regularly to relevant authorities including Income Tax and Charity Commissioner. Donations from you will help us continue our work in generating social knowledge leading to policy-making and appropriate interventions. CCD works for the disadvantaged groups in Gujarat society, and your donations can be a part of CSR contribution. Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, a national CSR hub has empanelled our centre. Your donations will help us to fulfil our vision and mission providing a range of relevant and reliable researched data and analysis on society, culture and developmental milestones in Gujarat.
Kindly note that prior to sending any donation, you may approach the Hon. Secretary of the Board of Trustees through his email jimmydabhi@gmail.com or send your request through “Donation Request Form” on this page. Cheques or demand drafts should be drawn in the name of Centre for Culture and Development payable at Vadodara. Donation can be made to add to the centre’s corpus or/and for some specific activity or project aligned through its aims and objectives.
What our friend say
ગુજરાત, વડોદરા અને અમારા સેન્ટર માટે ગૌરવની વાત છે કે અમારા દ્વારા જે “યુનિફોર્મ સિવિલ કોડ: સર્વસંમતિ, મજબુરી કે પછી મૃગજળ?” વિષય ઉપર બે-દિવસીય રાષ્ટ્રીય સેમિનારનું આયોજન થયું હતું તેમાં પ્રસ્તુત થયેલા મંતવ્યોને લો કમિશન દ્વારા ચાલી રહેલા યુનિફોર્મ સિવિલ કોડ અંગેના “પ્રોસિડિંગ્સ”માં સમાવી લેવામાં આવશે એવી જાહેરાત લો કમિશનના ચેરમેન જસ્ટીસ બલબીરસિંઘ ચૌહાણ દ્વારા કરવામાં આવી છે. આ સેમિનારમાં સેન્ટર દ્વારા હિંદુ વિદ્વાનો, શિયા મુસ્લિમ વિદ્વાન, સુન્ની મુસ્લિમ વિદ્વાનો...

Gujarat state was carved out of the erstwhile Bombay state in 1960. The complexities and paradoxes of the society, culture, politics, identity and modernity of Gujarat have always had important ramifications far beyond its borders. What are the key ideas that have shaped this state over the decades? What have been the dominant modes of its political mobilisation? What have been the dominant models of its development? What do these models mean for the politics, economy and culture of the state and for the rest of India? Time and again, Gujarat has posed questions that are intertwined with the larger trajectories reshaping India. Among them, the riots in 2002 - India’s first televised riots-and the rise of Narendra Modi are only the recent milestones. These questions animate us at the Centre for Culture and Development (CCD). Approaching them from a variety of perspectives, we explore and critically examine some of the defining aspects of the making of modern Gujarat.
National seminar on "Uniform Civil Code: Consensus, Compulsion or Mirage" at CCD on 21 - 22 December 2017. Inaugural Address by Justice Balbir Singh Chauhan, Chairman Law Commission of India. Guest of Honour Address: Lord Bhikhu Parekh. Concluding Address: Advocate Satya Pal Jain, Add. Solicitor General of India.