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CCD Gujarat – Seminar:- Concept Note

Seminar:- Concept Note

Concept Note – Tribal Governance Seminar – December_2023 at CCD

National Seminar: ‘Outcastes Among the Outcastes: Valmiki Community in India’

National Seminar on Social Structure of Tribal India: Concepts, Debates and Empirical Realities




It is by now well known that anthropologists and sociologists have for long  focused their studies of the tribal communities of India on their culture (sanskriti) comprised of ecology, food gathering, agriculture, arts, crafts, dance, music, language, folklore, magic, witchcraft, religion, festivals, and so on. On the other hand, studies of social structure (samaj) of the tribes have been relatively sidelined. In other words, we have lesser knowledge of their groups, classes and categories, such as family and marriage, lineage and clan, network of kinship and affinity, and the implications of these for other structures of society, especially their political structure. In 1962, Surajit Sinha initiated studies on the social structure of the tribals. Subsequently, by following this approach, a few more scholars have studied the tribals of eastern and central India. In western India, however, no detailed study of the social structure of tribes has been conducted, except The Bhils of Ratanmal by YVS Nath in 1960.

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Concept Note:-National Seminar on Suicide and Self-harm

Every year close to eight lakh people take their own life and there are many more who attempt suicide worldwide[1]. The mortality data about suicide available with World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that during the last several years the problem of suicide mortality has shifted from Western Europe to Eastern Europe and now seems to be shifting to Asia.[2] It is a global public health problem, particularly in Asia where high suicide rates in a few countries with large populations account for a majority of the world’s suicides.[3] For instance, almost thirty percent of all cases of suicide worldwide are committed in China and India alone.[4] Despite such compelling facts suicide receives relatively less attention in Asian countries than it does in the West, resulting in under-emphasis on related research and fragmented suicide-preventive approaches.[5],[6],[7]

Concept Note:-National Seminar on Procedural and Substantive Democracy in India


Discourse on both the democracy and development in India denotes two contradictory points about their assessment, i.e., one, the democracy and development have succeeded; and, two these have failed. This applies to democracy and development when these are dealt with as interdependent or independent of each other i.e., whether they are compatible or not. This unit presents an overview of the assessment of democracy and development in India as two distinct phenomena and also in relation to each other.

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National Seminar on Legacy of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Analysis and Appraisal

By |October 3rd, 2017|Seminar:- Concept Note|0 Comments

Whenever any country faces difficult situations and, challenges,whether they are political or economical, the intellectuals and politicians at some point or other need to search their own country's history for the solutions. The historical events, people and their thoughts, that have shaped the country, prove to be the vital elements for solving the current challenges of the country[1].

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