Summary:-National Seminar on “Suicide and Self-harm: Issues and Challenges”
Brief Summary
By Kanchan Bharati & Dhananjay Kumar
Global and national scenario of suicide locate it as an important public health problem that needs attention and prevention. The problem is however difficult as the reasons for suicide are multidimensional. Moreover, the phenomenon is not confined to a particular region or community or to any given period, but its appearance varies from region to region and from time to time. Hence, there is a need to understand patterns and underlying courses that make people to end their life and to provide solutions such tendencies. With this in view, the Centre for Culture and Development (Vadodara) organized a two day National Seminar on “Suicide and Self-harm: Issues and Challenges”.
Concept Note:-National Seminar on Suicide and Self-harm
Every year close to eight lakh people take their own life and there are many more who attempt suicide worldwide[1]. The mortality data about suicide available with World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that during the last several years the problem of suicide mortality has shifted from Western Europe to Eastern Europe and now seems to be shifting to Asia.[2] It is a global public health problem, particularly in Asia where high suicide rates in a few countries with large populations account for a majority of the world’s suicides.[3] For instance, almost thirty percent of all cases of suicide worldwide are committed in China and India alone.[4] Despite such compelling facts suicide receives relatively less attention in Asian countries than it does in the West, resulting in under-emphasis on related research and fragmented suicide-preventive approaches.[5],[6],[7]